If you choose to pay for your car with a Hire Purchase agreement, you will normally pay an initial deposit and will pay off the entire value of the car in monthly instalments. When all the payments are made, the Hire Purchase agreement ends and you own the car.
Click here to find out more about Individual Hire Purchase.
Personal Contract Hire is a type of long-term rental that will suit you if you are not looking to buy the car at the end of your contract. You lease the car for an agreed period of time by making fixed monthly payments. When the contract expires, you simply return your car or take out a new contract on a new vehicle.
Click here to find out more about Personal Contract Hire.
Personal Contract Purchase is similar to a Hire Purchase agreement, as you will usually pay an initial deposit, followed by monthly instalments.
What's different with Personal Contract Purchase is that your monthly instalments are only paying off the depreciation of the car, rather than the entire value of the car.
Click here to find out more about Personal Contract Purchase.